Towering Above Challenge Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

As of 11/2/20

Q: Can I register my entire class?

A: This competition is intended to be an individual event so students will need to submit individual templates and register individually.  It is also required that the students complete the towers and their responses on their own without assistance so if you are doing with your entire class, if it can be done as homework or an individual assignment rather than a group assignment. (11/2/20)

Q: Can I help my student register/submit?

A: If they need assistance with submitting the template itself, yes you can assist with the technical elements, but students are expected to complete the tower and submissions on their own. The tower build and content should be ENTIRELY done by the student. (11/2/20)

Q: What if a student does not have an email?

A: They can use a parent or teacher email, BUT all correspondence for the event will go to this email so one is required.  The owner of this email will be required to get the student any correspondence and required information. (11/2/20)

Q: Can we use masking tape?

A: No, only the mentioned materials are allowed in the build.  If any materials are used that are not allowed, the submission will be disqualified. (11/2/20)

Q: What happens if we do not complete the template?

A: Everything needs to be completed on the template. If we cannot determine a students name, school, information is missing, and/or the word requirements are exceeded, the submission will be disqualified. Please use the FULL school name, FULL student name, answer all questions, and follow word limit requirements for submittal.  Following Instructions are essential for this competition. (11/2/20).