AdvisorsProfessional Resources

NM MESA Advisor Handbook»

The handbook for all things NM MESA.

True Colors»

True Colors is a self-awareness activity enabling individuals to become aware of their personality styles.

Leadership and Team Building Activities»

Leadership activities from George Mason University’s Leadership Education and Development.

FlashForge 3D Printers»

The FLASHFORGE Finder is a high-quality 3D printer that provides a great learning experience to 3D printing.

NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program»

In order to be eligible to apply to this NOAA program, you must be currently employed, full-time, and employed in the same or similar capacity next year as: a K-12 teacher or administrator; a community college, college, or university teacher; a museum or aquarium educator; an adult education teacher.

NM PED Graduation Requirements»

Detailed information about graduation requirements.

NM Environmental Literacy Plan»

ELP purpose is to help bolster interdisciplinary learning in the southwest.

NM PED Math & Science Advisory Council (MSAC)»

MSAC is a STEM advisory group for PED.

NM PED Computer Science Standards»

A variety of resources to support educators and administrators in the implementation of the CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards.

National Core Arts Standards»

Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts.

NM STEM Ready! Science Standards»

NM STEM Ready! provides a framework for science education in New Mexico.

NM PED Content Standards»

Health Education, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Visual & Performing Arts and Languages