Apply to Become a MESA School

Initiating a MESA program in a middle school or high school in the State of New Mexico is a straightforward process. The application packet must contain the following items:

  • The name and vitae of a teacher (math or science preferred, but not mandatory) who has agreed to serve as the MESA Advisor at the school.
  • A letter of support from the principal, superintendent, school board and prospective advisor.
  • Is the school a Title 1 School or Title 1 Charter School?
  • A brief description of how the MESA model will work at the selected site: before, during, after school meetings?  MESA class? (NM MESA is primarily an out-of-school time program. An out-of-school time program model is a requirement. Classes are not a requirement.)
  • A properly signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the school district and NM MESA, Inc. to include but not limited to a minimum $2,500/yr/advisor stipend, up to 9 days of substitute leave for MESA events, and in-kind contributions as described in that MOU.
  • If the application is approved, both the school principal and the superintendent will receive a fully executed copy of the MOU and contact information for the MESA Regional Coordinator for the school. The MESA Regional Coordinator will initiate contact with the MESA Advisor at the school.