Welcome to 2021 ENGINEERING… creativity is a must! 🙂
- click here: ENG email check sent on 4.6.2021
- Event timeline:
- 10-10:45 am = Orientation
- 12-12:30 pm = Check-in (optional)
- 1:15-3:15 pm = Judging
- Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92172677998?pwd=cEJ1SkIvTjQ0MWxaYm5JWFVUaXJuUT09
- Meeting ID: 921 7267 7998
- Passcode: 057245
- Event coordinators: Kim Scheerer (Central Inner) & Alejandra Olivas (North)
- Middle School list of presenters (reverse alphabetical).
- High School order of presenters (reverse alphabetical).
These are password protected. Because this is an onsite event, it is important that the information remain private until the day of the event.