NM MESA Day 2024 FAQ

MESA Day 2024 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Updated as of 3/26/24

This document serves as an official addendum to the 2024 MESA Day Handbook.  All clarifications and statements are considered as official rulings for competition. Addition questions/clarifications may be submitted to anita@nmmesa.org.


Q: I see that we can’t use kits or pre-made parts for the crane. So no crane kits or toy cranes. Can we use pre-made pulleys? How about something like a lazy susan/turntable? The kids took apart a toy car and are using the car body and the wheels. Is this allowed or is it a pre-made part? Do we need to just remove the wheels/axles and make our own car body out of a different material?
A: Per handbook, The major parts of the crane: boom, tower/mast, and jib; must be constructed from recyclable materials.  These materials can include (but are not limited to) cardboard, wood, PVC, plastic, and metal.  Other parts of the crane can be pre-made including the counterweight, load container, hook, cogs, pulley parts, string, etc.” If using premade materials, you are allowed to use the parts of it as needed as long as long as they are not the major parts of the crane. (3/26/24)

Q: Where does the weight hang? Can we hang it from the boom? From the basket? Anywhere we want to put it on the crane?

A: Per handbook, “all devices are required to support a provided detachable weight in addition to the desired load container from the hook part of the device. The desired load container may be affixed to the hook as desired.” Figures 1 and 2 in the handbook illustrate the hook and weight. The weight must stay attached on the hook part of the device during the trial but cannot be affixed (taped, secured) (3/26/24)

Q: It says we need a pulley and a lever, but some people consider a pulley to be a lever itself. Would one pulley count for both?

A: No, it requires a pulley and a lever. By definition a pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft enabling a taut cable or belt passing over the wheel to move and change direction, or transfer power between itself and a shaft. A lever is a simple machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge, or fulcrum. (3/26/24)

Q: Can we tape the base of the crane to the table?

No, the crane is not allowed to be affixed to the table. (3/26/24)

Q: Are hydraulics allowed? Can we have syringes attached to tubes to move the crane?

A: Hydraulic energy is a type of energy that takes advantage of the movement of water and is a mechanical function.  So yes. (3/26/24)

Q: Our crane has wheels on the boom to pull a string and raise the load. Is this allowed? The handbook says students can’t manipulate the crane directly, but they need to turn the wheels with their hand.

A: Student teams are allowed to attach whatever is needed to the crane to operate-strings, buttons, cranks, etc. Per handbook, “The designated student operator (1) must remain in the operator cab student area. Hands/operation may not exceed past the operator cab and start zone. Operation includes managing any levers, pulleys, cranks, release systems, or other items to activate/stop the motion of the crane. The operator is not allowed to manipulate the device itself.” If an item (wheel, crank, button) is located on the crane they can only touch the operation mechanism to initiate the movement of the crane.  A handle is not considered an operation mechanism. (3/26/24)

Q: Can you have a control box that sits on the table?

A: Yes, you can have a control box or whatever operation mechanisms you need and they can be in the start zone or the operator cab area. (3/26/24)

Q: We are having trouble deciphering #38 and 39 on the tasks and measurements. #38 says a portion of the animal must land within the boundary of the selected area to be able to be counted. However, #39, says the student is allowed to remove the chosen animal into the zone once the load container has reached the table surface. How is part of the animal touching the loading zone, if it is in the container waiting to be unloaded by a student?

A: We will instruct the judges to use the “animal” as the guide as load containers can be large.  But you are correct that the animal will in the container.  So when the container touches the surface and the animal is in the plane of the zone it can be removed. (3/26/24)

Q: What are the dimensions of the weights?

A: Per handbook, the links are provided to the materials ordered.  There are different pictures which detail out the specific dimensions. (3/26/24)