«return to news listSanta Fe Summer! MESA STEAM Workshop


07/17/2019 – 

NM MESA’s North Central Region recently facilitated a three-day STEAM workshop during the City of Santa Fe’s Summer Youth Program. The workshop, entitled Circuits and Sounds, explored the intersection between electronics and sound waves, and prompted children to actively observe, experience and document the sounds present in their world. The overall summer camp had a particular focus on literacy, and students in the MESA workshop spent daily time noting observations and writing and drawing new concepts in their journals.

Other highlights from the week included light bulb circuit building, observation of different types of sound waves, meeting the superhero Captain Soundwave, creating cup/string amplifiers, sound sandwiches and straw oboes, building a floor piano that sounds when the circuit is grounded, making field recordings outside, and interacting with sound stations to explore different examples of modern technology available to make musical sound with electronics.