02/16/2021 –
Next week is Engineering Week and there are a few partners hosting programs. Students will be able to earn Statewide Activity Credit by participating in a session and completing the required Attendance Survey link.
- The link to receive credit is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EngWeekMESA.
- Attendance verification MUST be done within 24 hours of session to receive the credit.
Partner Program are:
- UNM Engineering (See Picture)-Everyday from Friday 2/19/21 to 2/26/21 at 4PM
- NMSU-HCF College 101 (See Picture): Wednesday, February 24th from 5-8 PM: https://www.hsf.net/college-101. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, February 24th at 10:00 AM.
- Northrop Grumman: Everyday from Friday 2/19/21 to 2/26/21 at 11AM MST: https://www.northropgrumman.com/corporate-responsibility/corporate-citizenship/resources/