The MESA USA National Conference will support MESA USA’s initiative to support collaboration within the organization with a cohesive training focused this year’s NEDC theme of “Designing for Equity.” The national conference will act as support to the annual convening that is scheduled to occur in June and will provide mid-year reinforcement. The conference will allow all in our MESA USA collaborative to all have the opportunity to attend sessions led by representatives from each participating MESA state. Attendees will be able to attend sessions from other states and participate in experiences that have previously been limited to attendees of the National MESA USA Competition.
Join us for:
- National Collaboration
- Integration of Equity in Programming
- Support for Teachers to Build Equity Designers
- The Opportunity to Hear Perspectives From Other States
- Valuable Skills to use in your MESA Time
New Mexico MESA Specific Information:
- Attendees will receive $25 per session they attend, for a total of $75 for attendance at the whole event
- $25-Welcome and Keynote
- $25-Session 1
- $25-Session 2 and Closing Remarks
General Agenda – *All Times Listed are in MST-Adjust Accordingly*
10:00 AM-10:30 AM |
Welcome and Introductions: MESA USA Directors, NEDC Committee |
10:30 AM-11:30 AM |
Keynote Address: Kamal Sinclair |
11:30 AM-11:45 AM |
ROOM 1 |
ROOM 2 |
Room 3 |
ROOM 4 |
ROOM 5 |
ROOM 6 |
11:45 AM-12:45 PM Session 1 |
Explore Equity in Design With a World Café Oregon MESA |
Design Thinking in the Virtual Environment Maryland MESA |
Microaggressions Utah MESA |
Building Equity with Mentorship New Mexico |
School Share Out-Networking Room and Help Desk |
Introduction to Prototyping with the Micro:biit SparkFun Electronics |
12:45 PM-1:15 PM |
1:15 PM-2:15 PM Session 2 |
Explore Equity in Design With a World Café Oregon MESA |
Design Heuristics for Novel Prototype Variation Washington MESA |
Designing for Equity Arizona MESA |
Designing for Equity in Industry-Panel California MESA |
School Share Out-Networking Room and Help Desk |
Introduction to the Arduino Tinker Kit SparkFun Electronics |
2:15 PM-2:20 PM |
2:20 PM- 2:45 PM |
Closing Remarks: NEDC Committee |
General Session Descriptions:
*All Times Listed are in MST-Adjust Accordingly*
Welcome and Introductions
Presented By: Dwight Carr, MESA USA Chair; Thomas Ahn, MESA USA Vice-Chair; and MESA USA Executive Directors
Time: 10:00 AM-10:30 AM
Welcome to our inaugural MESA USA National Conference. Our MESA USA team is excited to share with you the vision of the MESA USA collaborative and how we are all working towards Designing for Equity in our respective states.
Keynote Address
Presented By: Kamal Sinclair
Time: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Kamal is the Executive Director of the Guild of Future Architects and Senior Consultant to Sundance Institute’s Future of Culture Initiative. She also serves as External Advisor to MacArthur Foundation’s Journalism & Media Program, Creative Advisor to For Freedoms, MIT’s Center for Advanced Virtuality, Starfish Incubator, and Eyebeam. Previously, she was the Director of Sundance Institute’s New Frontier Labs Program, which supports artists working at the convergence of film, art, media and technology. She also consults for the Ford Foundation’s JustFilms program on a research project aimed at furthering equality in emerging media, which resulted in “Making a New Reality.”
Closing Remarks
Presented By: NEDC Committee
Time: 2:20 PM-2:45 PM
Session 1 Descriptions:
*All Times Listed are in MST-Adjust Accordingly*
Explore Equity in Design with a World Cafe
Presented By: Oregon MESA, Tamara DePue
Time: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
This activity uses the World Cafe Method to introduce the idea of equity in design to students. In this activity, students will explore examples of design and see how inequity can lead to bias in the products that are created.
Design Thinking in the Virtual Environment
Presented By: Maryland MESA, Jason Cartwright and Dennis Smith
Time: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to problem solving. This approach typically incorporates three core elements: empathy for the user, collaboration, and rapid prototyping. Design Thinking techniques can be applied to a wide range of problems. During this session, representatives from Maryland MESA will lead you through a series of activities that you can use to help your students develop solutions to the NEDC and other MESA projects.
Presented By: Utah MESA, Charlene Lui
Time: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
The purpose of this breakout session is to explore the topics of unconscious bias and microaggressions as they relate to the educational experiences of our students and colleagues of color. As we strive to increase participation in STEM-related coursework and post-high opportunities in the field, it is critical that educators understand what microaggressions are, as well as effective ways to interrupt unconscious bias and microaggressions within their schools and community.
Building Equity with Mentorship
Presented By: New Mexico MESA, Anita Gonzales
Time: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
Mentoring is important when building equity in programming and your MESA time. There are many mentor situations which will help your students envision experiences and become engaged in learning. New Mexico MESA will lead you through some programs that have been impactful in their state involving cultural based mentorship, elementary and peer mentoring, professional mentoring, and University student mentorship. You will walk away with the framework to build a mentor program that will work for you.
School Share Out and Help Desk
Presented By: NEDC Committee
Time: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
This is an opportunity to network with your fellow MESA Advisors from across the nation. Come prepared to share out activities that are successful in your MESA program, activities that work towards building equity, and any items in your MESA time you would like assistance or feedback on.
Introduction To Prototyping with the Micro:biit
Presented By: SparkFunElectronics, Derek Runberg
Time: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
The BBC Micro:Bit is a cheap, tiny computer designed for the classroom. It has made a huge splash in UK schools with it’s browser based programming environment. The Micro:Bit is a perfect platform for exploring programmable electronics in a simple and scaffolded way. Come and hang out with the experts from SparkFun Electronics and see what it’s all about; what sensors work with it and see a hands on demo.
Session 2 Descriptions:
*All Times Listed are in MST-Adjust Accordingly*
Explore Equity in Design with a World Cafe
Presented By: Oregon MESA, Tamara DePue
Time: 1:15 PM-2:15 PM
This activity uses the World Cafe Method to introduce the idea of equity in design to students. In this activity, students will explore examples of design and see how inequity can lead to bias in the products that are created.
Design Heuristics for Novel Prototype Variation
Presented By: Washington MESA; Monet Becenti, Debbie Blas, and Elizabeth Stephens
Time: 1:15 PM-2:15 PM
Take your design to the next level, don’t just settle! Design heuristics is a tool used to either aid in generating ideas or to transform concepts into new solutions. In this session, learn how to apply design heuristics in prototyping and encourage iterations.
Designing for Equity
Presented By: Arizona MESA; Bill Pike and Manny Leon
Time: 1:15 PM-2:15 PM
This workshop will give teachers a tool to use in their MESA Clubs/Classes to teach students about Designing for Equity and a process they can use as they work on the NEDC. It adapts the Human Centered Design model to provide a focus on equity. It will lead students from identifying an inequity to developing a solution. Teachers will walk away with some tools and will be shared a copy of the presentation to use/adapt for their needs
Designing for Equity in Industry-Panel Discussion
Presented By: California MESA, Beatrice Prieto
Time: 1:15 PM-2:15 PM
Join us for an open discussion with industry professionals as they speak about designing for equity in their company. Learn how professionals are promoting designing for equity in their company and get examples of what questions students should be asking when beginning their designs. Also, learn about what initiatives companies use to reach out to diverse populations.
School Share Out and Help Desk
Presented By: NEDC Committee
Time: 1:15 PM-2:15 PM
This is an opportunity to network with your fellow MESA Advisors from across the nation. Come prepared to share out activities that are successful in your MESA program, activities that work towards building equity, and any items in your MESA time you would like assistance or feedback on.
Introduction to the Arduino Tinker Kit
Presented By: SparkFunElectronics, Derek Runberg
Time: 1:15 PM-2:15 PM
Using the SparkFun Tinker Kit as an introduction to electronics, programming, and physical computing allows artists, makers, educators, and students to easily control LEDs, read sensors, and move motors. Come for a hands-on workshop that will both show the possibilities of physical computing in your school to create the next generation of innovators as well as an in depth look at how it is using Arduino to empower MESA students through the design process.
Any Questions, MESA USA NEDC Committee:
- Arizona: Manny Leon, leon@arizona.edu and Bill Pike, wpike@arizona.edu
- California: Beatrice Prieto, bprieto@mail.fresnostate.edu
- Maryland: Jason Cartwright, cartwright@jhuapl.edu
- New Mexico (Also Registration and Logistics): Anita Gonzales, anita@nmmesa.org
- Oregon: Tamara DePue, depue@pdx.edu
- Utah: Dr. Paul Ross, buffyross@msn.com
- Washington: Elizabeth Stephens, stephens@pnnl.gov