«return to past eventsCI: MS regional rallies

Los Duranes Community Center, Albuquerque

Los Duranes Community Center

Join your middle school peers at the Central Inner (CI) NM MESA STEAM event!  Student attendance #’s to be determined by school participation responses.


Tuesday, May 3rd [Belen & Sarracino MS’s]

Wednesday, May 4th [Valencia MS, shortened schedule]

Explect: We’ll be rotating through a variety of stations in a friendly competition of…

  • teamwork
  • adventure
  • communication
  • design thinking
  • & fun  🙂

Bring: lunch, a good attitude, & outdoor clothes/footwear

Timeline: 9 am – 1 pm event + busing both ways

9 am students arrive on buses

9-9:30 am welcome, introductions & explanations

9:30–9:45 am => ‘Getting to Know You’ activity

9:45-10:15 am rotation 1

10:15-10:45 am rotation 2

10:45-11:15 am rotation 3

11:15–12 pm submit tickets & enjoy picnic lunch [recess]

12-12:30 pm team competition finale! [MD theme: Celebrating Invention]

12:30-12:45 pm MESA overview, share-out & raffle

12:45-12:55 pm leave feedback & finish

1 pm students depart on buses

Valencia MS schedule on Wednesday, 5/4

10 am students arrive on buses

10-10:20 am welcome, introductions & explanations

10:25–10:45 am rotation 1

10:50-11:10 am rotation 2

11:15-11:35 am rotation 3

11:40–12:20 pm submit tickets & enjoy picnic lunch [recess]

12:20-12:50 pm team competition finale! [MD theme: Celebrating Invention]

12:50-1 pm MESA share-out, raffle & finish

1 pm students depart on buses