Each MESA Central Inner (CI) school is invited to host 15 students on their campus for a regional Elegoo Tinker Playshop!
Each Tinker Playshop is sponsored by Facebook and will consist of:
- STEM Elegoo Tinker time
- 3 students per Elegoo Tinker team
- all microprocessors and tinkering materials provided (please have your MESA toolkit and additional items out)
- students that participate for the full 1-2 hour workshop will be awarded Workshop (3 points) & Leadership credit (5 points) in MIMS
computer/laptop details… tbd on a school by school basis
Flexible agenda examples: 1-2 hours needed
9:00 am start time: introductions to people & Elegoo Super Starter kits
9:10-9:50 workshop Tinker time
9:50-10 conclusions and gallery share
10:00 am release with math snack in hand
2:30 pm start time: introductions to people & kits
2:45-3:30 workshop tinker time
3:30-3:40 math snacks break
3:40-4:20 workshop tinker time
4:15-4:30 conclusions and gallery share
4:30 pm release
Can one school get two workshop dates…? YES!
Will that school get double the kits…? No.
Location: hosted on your campus!
Campus needs:
- space without multiple interruptions
- your time and oversight
- guest wifi password
- space with electricity outlets
- 5 -15 innovative MESA students
Relevant 2019 NM Computer Science legislation
- targeted funding for CS PD (2019): House Bill 341 – https://www.nmlegis.gov/Sessions/19%20Regular/bills/house/HB0341.pdf
- creation of a CS task force and plan for the state (2019): Senate Joint Memorial 9 – https://nmlegis.gov/Sessions/19%20Regular/memorials/senate/SJM009.pdf