Includes: $100 stipend+mileage & SawMill Market or other meal gift card ($25)
Host location: multiple, start @ Tiguex Park (NW corner)
Mini make-up: Tuesday, 8/2; 4-6pm (virtual)
Regional Advisory Meeting (RAM) PD Schedule
8:45-9:15am – sign-in, nametags & meal gift cards
- collect STEM education supply bags
- complete evaluation
*Congratulations to nex+Gen Academy for their 1st place MESA USA win!
9:15 am – introductions & summer adventures
9:30-10 – STEM activity: solar car build & race – prizes!
10:00-10:30 – rotation stations: drones & stomp rockets
10:30-10:45 – velocity & trajectory w/ water balloons
10:50-11:30 am – X•studio tour & questions [Rene Palomares]
11:30-1 pm = LUNCH & recess (Sawmill Market or other, $25 gift cards)
1-1:30 – Introduction to Math Activity
- Math Tasks 1-10 => pre-activities with a variety of applications
1:30-2pm – MESA overview, changes, MESA State-wide opportunities [kim presents]
2 pm BREAK [sweet snack provided by kim]
2:10-2:15 – Ling Faith Heuertz, NM MESA Executive Director, says hi!
2:15-2:30 pm – feedback, raffle & adios
=> There will be a shortened virtual make-up RAM opportunity on Tuesday, August 2nd 4-6 pm; $50 stipend.
*requested = NM MESA Student Agreement
Central Inner recommends…
Flying Ball Drone; USB quick charge
Stomp Rocket; includes flame stickers for rockets
Tangent Height Gauge; from Forestry Suppliers
Solar Car kits; comes with 4 kits to assemble
The Hot Air Balloon Book; instructions for fun balloon builds
‘CI recommends’ Amazon STEM education list =>
Student resource => Team Presentation Organizer