Includes: $100 stipend + mileage, $20 meal card & supplies
Host location: CNM’s Montoya campus
- Tom Wiley Hall #203
- see map below
Mini make-up: virtual on Zoom [Tuesday, 5/2; 4-6pm]
Regional Advisory Meeting (RAM) PD Schedule
12:45 -1pm sign-in, nametags & meal gift cards distributed/requested
1-1:15pm intros & agenda
**Congratulations to those advisors and teams that competed in MESA Day & MESA USA!
- Valley HS = 3rd OVERALL!
- Socorro HS = 1st in Transportation Relay
- Albuquerque HS = 3rd in Transportation Relay
- Belen MS = 2nd in Let’s Get Mobile
- MESA USA => nex+Gen Academy [competition was 4/26; 1st place HS!]
1:15-1:30pm MESA Mental Health activity introduction
1:30-2:15pm hands-on create & share
2:30-3:30pm A Sampling of MESA Day STEAM Activities [team challenge, outside]
3:40-4pm NM MESA details SY22-23 & beyond conversation
- CI loyalty award updates, honor cords & certificates => n = 24; $19,274.00 total; ave. = $803.08/student
- kim & advisors: 22-23 recap & updates [rallies, NM Consortium, RailRunner to the Roundhouse, Talking Talons, Isotopes, BattleBots @ NM Tech, other]
- City Nature Challenge Abq [April 28-May 1]
- ‘CI recommends’ raffle & items highlighted below
- Outstanding MESA student award info/nominations
- your school program self-evaluation
- NM MESA program model pdf
4-4:30 pm MESA USA awards (Zoom) & conversations continued…
4:30-4:45pm – feedback, raffle & adios
=> There will be a shortened virtual make-up RAM opportunity on Tuesday, May 2nd 4-6 pm. $50 stipend.
Central Inner recommends…
- ‘CI recommends’ Amazon STEM education list =>
- Go Change 3 Foam Cutter with various tools
- Kootek Hammock; nylon with straps #physics
- check out the math and some tips here or just google it to find your own!
- lunch recommendations in the area: Poki Poki Cevicheria, Slice Parlor, Flying Star Cafe, Range Cafe Wyoming & more!