«return to past eventsCI 2022 End of the School year RAM

NM MESA art!

Includes: $50 stipend+mileage, $25 meal card & supplies

Host location: CNM’s South Valley campus, SV1-104

Mini make-up: virtual on Zoom [Tuesday, 4/26; 4-6pm]

Regional Advisory Meeting (RAM) PD Schedule

12:45 -1pm sign-in, nametags & meal gift cards distributed/requested

1-1:15 intros & agenda 

*Welcome to Central Inner region Ashley Watts, Kennedy Middle School!

**Congratulations to those advisors and teams that have competed in MESA Day & MESA USA!

  • HS MESA Day => Albuquerque HS – Liz Alvarado, Jimmy Phillips; Belen HS – Misty Torres; Socorro HS – Denise Contreras (PD too!)

  • MS MESA Day => Sarracino MS – Catrina Lucero, South Valley Academy – Tobias MacRobie

  • Top 3 Awards => Math: Abq. HS, 3rd place; Science: Abq. HS, 2nd place & Art Achievement: Socorro HS, 1st place (see image below)

  • MESA USA => next+Gen Academy – Laura White (see 4 pm)

1:15-1:30 STEAM activity introduction

1:30-2pm hands-on create & share

2-2:30pm ‘Celebrating Invention’ team challenge 

2:30-3:30pm Academic Field Experience: historic Gutierrez Hubbell House site

  • visit location, snacks & speed STEM’ing

3:40-4pm NM MESA details SY21-22 & beyond conversation

  • CI loyalty award updates, honor cords & certificates => n = 34, $ tbd 

  • Devin Santistevan, Valley HS => 763 points/$998.00 award!

  • kim & advisors: 21-22 recap & updates [Isotopes & MS rallies]

  • ‘CI recommends’ raffle & items highlighted below

  • Outstanding MESA student award info

  • NM MESA program model pdf

4-4:30 pm MESA USA: nex+Gen Academy MESA USA 1st place overall team (Luke, Carly & Logan) 

4:30-4:45pm – feedback, raffle & adios

=> There will be a shortened virtual make-up RAM opportunity on Tuesday, April 26th 4-6 pm. $25 stipend.

Central Inner recommends…