Central Inner high school students are invited to this STEAM education-a-palooza for a day of teamwork & fun! All participants should bring a lunch and expect to be outside during some portions of the day. There is a maximum if 15-20 students per school; dates for each school are listed below.
Dates: Wednesday, Oct. 23; Thursday, Oct. 24; Friday, Oct. 25th and Tuesday, Nov. 19th
tentative agenda
9:15am students arrive
9:15-9:30am Welcome, Introductions & Explanations
9:30-11am time to build
10:00am Intro to additional STEAM activity
11am Opportunities overview: MESA Day/USA information, legislative fieldtrip, SIFT & Loyalty Award
11:15 am-12pm Lunch & Recess (45 minutes)
12pm Successes & Failures
12:10-12:40pm Guest Speaker: New Mexico Tech Admissions – Kyle Kazemi [kyle.kazemi@nmt.edu] or Leslie Clark [leslie.clark@nmt.edu]
12:40-12:50pm final touches on team build
12:50-12:55pm Gallery Walk & Talk
12:55pm Photo Share + Feedback & Raffle
1:00pm = students prepare for travel & depart on buses
* RECOMMENDATION = each school should bring at least one United Nations Sustainable Development pizza box of flare and any craft tubes and/or newspaper they can collect! Craft tubes can be toilet paper and paper towel rolls.
Creatively highlight 1 or more United Nations sustainable development goals.
3D components are encouraged; any electrical and/or mechanical apparatuses would be exceptional.
The challenge is to understand the issues &/or the solutions revolving around the UN goal(s) chosen and display it visually!
Your School should be noted/implied/displayed somewhere for artistic credit.
Wednesday, Oct. 23 | Thursday, Oct. 24 | Friday, Oct. 25 | Tues, Nov. 19 |
Tech Leadership HS | Socorro HS | Belen HS (leaves early) | Valley HS |
South Valley Academy | Albuquerque HS | Moriarty HS | nex+Gen Academy |
Valencia HS | Manzano HS | Del Norte HS | ACE Leadership |
**22 points awarded = 7 Rally, 5 Field Trip, 5 Guest Speaker, 5 Workshop
Zozobra Resources